Press Releases

Congressman David Scott Applauds Historic Passage of FUTURE Act, $255M HBCU Funding

Today, Congressman David Scott provided the following statement applauding passage of H.R. 5363, the Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education (FUTURE) Act: 

"I was proud to join my colleagues in Congress in passing the FUTURE Act. This important bipartisan legislation provides $255 million in mandatory funds to Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) who graduate one-quarter of all undergraduate students in the U.S. The historic passage of the FUTURE Act will continue the vital role Historically Black Colleges and Universities’ (HBCUs) play in advancing students for tomorrow’s workforce. I, myself, am a proud graduate of Florida A&M University and now represent the State of Georgia, which hosts 10 HBCUs. I am grateful to the work of HBCUs and other MSIs in empowering students of color with the greatest economic equalizer: education. Despite HBCUs and MSIs graduating leaders, engineers, doctors, and even Members of Congress, HBCUs and other MSIs remain critically underfunded, leaving their schools with poor infrastructure and limited resources. The passage of the FUTURE Act is Congress’ promise and commitment to MSIs across Georgia, and across the nation to ensure students receive an equitable education where their institutions receive the necessary funds to modernize their infrastructure and improve the student experience. I will continue to use my Congressional authority to fight for HBCUs and MSIs so that students of color can thrive in today’s demanding economy."