The Federal Budget
Congress was unable to agree on a plan to stop budget sequestration, so the mandated cuts to federal agencies including announced furloughs of employees, began on March 1 and will continue until the end of FY2013. The continued stop and start, short-term form of budgeting represents the failure of Congress to govern responsibly and threatens to derail the improving economy. The next temporary budget deadline is March 27, when the 6 month continuing resolution ends meaning that government funding for FY 2013 ends unless a new budget is passed for the rest of the fiscal year. Failure to find agreement by March 27 would result in a government shutdown.
Yesterday, Congressman Scott voted for the Department of Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R. 933). This measure is flawed and fails to give agencies flexibility to deal with cuts mandated to domestic programs under sequestration. However, it moves to keep the government operating after March 27. The Senate is expected to take up H.R. 933 and make changes to the bill sending it back to the House. Hopefully, common ground can be found in order to pass a budget for the remainder of the fiscal year, and avoid sending a message to capital markets and the American public that our government might shut down.
Violence Against Women Act
Today, the President is expected to sign the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) into law. Congressman Scott voted for passage of S. 47.
The updated version of VAWA addresses a number of concerns for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. The measure includes language to ensure the availability of services to all victims of domestic and dating violence, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity. The measure also adds stalking to the list of crimes for which victims can receive protection through the U-Visa program. Finally, S. 47 also includes authorizations for programs preventing human trafficking, sexual assault on college campuses, as well as additional resources to address rape kit backlogs. The bill passed the House by a large, bi-partisan margin of 286-138 and earlier passed the Senate with similar bi-partisan support.
Assisting with Home Foreclosures
Congressman Scott's blog has a new post about programs that help homeowners avoid foreclosure. For example, did you know that the Homesafe Georgia Program can assist homeowners who are currently unemployed? Click here to learn more and leave your comments.
Upcoming Events
On Saturday, March 9, Congressman Scott attends the Georgia Democrat's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner.
Visit With the US Service Academies. High school students and their families can meet with representatives from the US Service Academies on April 20, from 10:00-11:30 at building 731 on Dobbins Air Force Base. Attendees must register by April 8 by contacting Senator Isakson's office.
Upcoming Jobs Fair. The Congressman hosts his annual jobs fair on April 19. The office is currently asking for employers to register to attend. If your business would like to participate, please contact the office.
Thank you for taking time to read my newsletter. If I can be of assistance, please contact me through one of the addresses located at the end of this message. We can also connect via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or LinkedIn.
David Scott
Member of Congress
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