Dear Friend:
Please take a moment to read this week's news.
Congressman Scott to host annual jobs fair
Next Friday, April 23, Congressman Scott will host the 7th Annual 13th Congressional Jobs Fair from 10:00 am-4:00pm at the Georgia International Convention Center near the Airport. Employers are strongly encouraged to participate at no charge. For more information and directions, please view the link on Congressman Scott's webpage: or call (770) 432-5405.
Congressman Scott invites you to the Jobs Fair on video:
Congressman Scott in the District
On April 15, Congressman Scott will speak to a fatherhood initiative in Riverdale. In the attached article, the Congressman discusses the influence his father had in his life. Clayton News-Daily - Fatherhood conference Saturday in Riverdale.
On April 10, Congressman Scott spoke at the Douglas County Courthouse about the importance of the Zero to Three program, which helps stop abuse of children under the age of three. The Congressman has helped fund the program.Douglas County Sentinel - Rep. Scott lauds program which fights baby abuse.
House Votes
On April 15, the House passed an extension for long-term unemployment benefits, COBRA, the Flood Insurance Program and other laws that had previously expired. H.R. 4851, the Continuing Extension Act, had been held up in the Senate for weeks. Thus, constituents were left in a situation where they did not receive unemployment benefits or were unable to secure SBA funding for flood damage repair. Fortunately, President Obama promptly signed this bill into law. These programs expire at the end of May unless a long-term bill can be approved by Congress.
Recent Grant Announcements
Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded grants for government building retrofits in order to create energy savings. District recipient include:
City of College Park $90,000
City of Hapeville $11,000
Union City $180,000
Helpful Information
SBA disaster assistance for homeowners:
The Xpress commuter bus system service runs in many communities in the 13th Congressional District. For information about the bus routes, visit their website:
You can keep an eye on action in Congress with C-SPAN online. They bring access to many events and hearings that are not broadcast on C-SPAN TV.
Thank you for reading the newsletter. Please keep in touch and have a good weekend.
David Scott
Member of Congress