13th District Update | December 22, 2010
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Congressman David Scott, Representing Georgia's 13th District

Dear Friend:

As 2010 ends, so does this session of Congress.  Please take a few seconds to catch up on the final votes in Washington and events in the 13th Congressional District.

District Events

Rep. Scott Speaks to Guide Right Youth Group in Marietta

On Saturday, December 18th, Congressman Scott spoke to members of the Alpharetta-Smyrna Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity's Guide Right youth mentoring group. Rep. Scott joined the group during their regular meeting at the Fair Oaks Recreation Center in Marietta and encouraged the youth in attendance to prepare themselves for future opportunities by being respectful, hard-working, and focused young men.  Members of the Guide Right youth mentoring program participate in an annual camping trip, visits and tours of local colleges, and other trips to museums, sporting events, and the Piney Woods Boarding School. Click here to see photos.

Recent House Votes

Extension of Unemployment Insurance and Tax Cuts

President Obama has signed the new tax cuts and extension of unemployment insurance into law (Public Law No: 111-312).  Congressman Scott spoke in favor of this legislation, which extends unemployment insurance, cuts payroll taxes and extends existing tax rates for two years.  You can watch the Congressman’s speech at this link.

 Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell (H.R. 2965)

The Senate voted to approve the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 by a vote of 65-31.  The House previously passed this measure by a vote of 250-175, and the President signed it into law this morning.  For a summary of the new law, please visit this link.

Government Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Performance Improvement Act (H.R. 2142)

The measure requires federal agencies to draft plans that identify areas where the agency could improve its performance, establishes peformance improvement officers in agencies to carry out those plans and creates a federal performance improvement council. The House and Senate have approved this bill, which is now awaiting the President's signature into law.

FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (H.R. 2751)

The measure expands the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent the spread of contaminated food products through enhanced recordkeeping, tracing procedures, laboratory integration and mandatory recall authority. It also requires the FDA to enhance inspections of foreign food-production facilities and imports, and provides the FDA with the authority to charge user fees to operators and facilities subject to reinspection. This legislation is awaiting the President's signature into law.

James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (H.R. 847)

The House and Senate may pass this measure today as one of the last bills of the 111th Congress.  H.R. 847 would provide medical monitoring and treatment benefits to eligible emergency responders and recovery  cleanup workers who responded to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. 

Consumer Information

Foreign Aid Database

Are you interested in knowing where the US spends foreign aid?  Even though foreign aid programs are less than 1% of the budget, they are an important tool for advancing America's interests in the world.  A new database of foreign aid spending has been released: http://www.foreignassistance.gov/

Government E-Books

The Government Printing Office is now offering many products in electronic format for multiple formats.  More information is available at this link.

SS and VA Benefits By Electronic Payments

Social Security and Veterans benefit payments by paper check are due to be phased out by 2013.  Sign up now to choose your preferred method of electronic payment at http://www.godirect.org

Thank you for taking time to read my newsletter.  If I can be of assistance, please contact me through one of the addresses located at the end of this message. We can also connect via Facebook, YouTubeTwitter or LinkedIn


David Scott
Member of Congress 


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225 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
T (202) 225-2939
F (202) 225-4628
173 North Main Street
Jonesboro, GA 30236
T (770) 210-5073
F (770) 210-5673
888 Concord Road, Suite 100
Smyrna, GA 30080
T (770) 432-5405
F (770) 432-5813