Dear Friend:
It has been an honor to serve you in the U.S. Congress. As your Representative, I have strived to keep you up to date on new policies that would affect you as a resident of Georgia’s 13th District. Please view my latest newsletter and keep me updated on issues important to you.
Congressman Scott in the District
March 7, New Birth Community Church, Austell
March 13, Neighborhood Revitilization Block Party, Riverdale
March 20, awards ceremony for the 13th Congressional District Student Arts Competition, Jonesboro:
Congressman Scott in the News
March 5, Clayton News-Daily, article about student art competition:
March 4, 11 Alive News story on bipartisanship in Congress:
March 4, ABC News story on GAO study of illegal shipments of goods to Iran:
House Votes
On Marach 4, the House passed H.R. 2847, the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act. The provisions of this bipartisan bill will create and save hundreds of thousands of jobs this year. The HIRE Act includes: A payroll tax holiday for businesses that hire unemployed workers, to create some 300,000 jobs and an income tax credit of $1,000 for businesses that retain these employees. Tax cuts to spur new investment by small businesses to help them expand and hire more workers. Passing this measure now is critical to getting more Georgians back to work. More action will soon be taken on additional job creating measures.
On February 25, Congressman Scott voted to eliminate the anti-trust exemption for insurance companies. He spoke in favor of the Health Insurance Industry Fair Competition Act on the floor:
Helpful Information
The US Census process has begun. Be on the lookout for your form. For more information, visit the Census online at:
Free e-file for taxes
If you made less than $57,000 in ADJUSTED Gross Income for 2009, then you will be able to e-file your tax forms for free. Others who file may be able to use other on-line services. For more information, check out the IRS website:,,id=118986,00.html
New Credit Card law
If you would like more information on the new credit card rules, please visit the Federal Reserve website at
Georgia Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate
Replace an existing appliance with a new ENERGY STAR qualified appliance purchased on or after February 12, 2010 . For questions or to apply visit:
As Congress continues to discuss policy that would affect you, I will be sure to keep you up-to-date on new laws and regulations. In addition, I hope you will contact me in the future on issues that are important to you, and I look forward to continuing to serve you.
David Scott
Member of Congress
What issues are most important to you?
My staff in Washington and Georgia offices are committed to helping our constituents and serving as an informational resource to the residents of the 13th District. Please click here to contact us.