Reform of the VA
This week, a major reform of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was announced. H.R. 3230, the Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act will appropriate $10 billion to allow veterans to choose to go to a local, Medicare-approved doctor if they live more than 40 miles away from a VA facility or if their appointment date is more than 30 days away from the time they call. About $7 billion will be spent on new VA facilities to be built around the country.
The VA outpatient center in Austell will be expanded with $6.4 million. The legislation also prohibits tying personnel bonuses to appointment scheduling and makes it easier for the department to fire top executives. Legislation sponsored by Congressman Scott to recruit more mental health professionals in the VA was included. The measure passed the House 420-5 and is expected to pass the Senate and be signed into law. To learn more,click here.
Suing the President and Impeachment Talk
Republicans in the House passed a bill by a party-line vote to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to sue the President. This political stunt is only the first step for the Republican leadership to attempt to bring up impeachment proceedings. The irony is that the Tea Party Caucus running the House has passed the fewer bills in their tenure than any other time in modern history. If they want to be seen as an equal branch of government, then maybe they should spend their time working on solving problems and stop creating political theatre.
Five week recess and issues left unfinished
The House is on a five week recess. The do-nothing Republican leadership has yet to: pass a minimum wage increase; address immigration problems; extend unemployment insurance; solve a transportation funding crisis; reauthorize terrorism risk insurance; reauthorize the Export-Import Bank; or pass all of the bills funding the next fiscal year.
Upcoming events
School supply giveaway - On Saturday, Congressman Scott will join with KISS 104's Sasha the Diva, T.I, and the Greater New Hope Christian Assembly for a back-to-school bookbag giveaway. The event begins at 11:00. The child must the present to receive the bookbag and school supplies.
LOCATION: Greater New Hope Christian Assembly 2200 Fairview Road Stockbridge, GA 30281. For more information, visit the event website.
Praise in the Park - Also on Saturday, Congressman Scott will attend Praise 102.5FM's "Praise In The Park 2014" at Centennial Olympic Park.
Operation Hope mortgage assistance- On Monday, from 5:00-6:00, Congressman Scott will speak at an event at the Operation Hope Center at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
LOCATION: Ebenezer Hope Center 101 Jackson Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30312
KISS 104 Flashback Festival - on Saturday, August 9, Congressman Scott will visit the KISS 104 Flashback Festival at Aaron's Amphitheatre at Lakewood.
Health Fair
On Saturday, August 16, Congressman Scott hosts his annual health fair from 10:00-2:00 at Mundy's Mill High School in Jonesboro. This event will feature free health screenings and information provided by the region’s leading healthcare providers and organizations. This year, the regional VA administrators will be on hand to discuss health care and benefits with local veterans. For more information, click here or call (770) 210-5073.
Henry County resident named Agriculture Champion of Change.
The White House and USDA honored several “Champions of Change” for Agriculture. The honorees are leaders from across the country who are doing extraordinary things to build a strong foundation for the next generation of farming and ranching. Jake Carter of Southern Belle farm in McDonough was named among the honorees. You can see the full list of honorees at:
You can also connect with Congressman Scott via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or LinkedIn.
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