Dear Friend:
It has been an honor to serve you in the U.S. Congress. As your Representative, I have strived to keep you up to date on new policies that would affect you as a resident of Georgia’s 13th District. Please view my latest newsletter and keep me updated on issues important to you.
Congressman Scott in the District
March 20, awards ceremony for the 13th Congressional District Student Arts Competition, Jonesboro:
March 13, Neighborhood Revitilization Block Party, Riverdale. (WSB-TV ran a story on the event).
Congressman Scott in the News
March 21, interview segment to appear on Atlanta's Morning News on WSB-Radio.
March 18, Marietta Daily-Journal article about immigration status and the Census:
March 16, Henry Daily-Herald, article about a transportation grant for Henry County:
March 16, 11 Alive News story CTRAN service:
March 16, AJC news story on healthcare reform debate:
House Votes
On March 18, the President signed H.R. 2847, the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act into law. This bipartisan bill will create and save hundreds of thousands of jobs this year. The HIRE Act includes: A payroll tax holiday for businesses that hire unemployed workers, to create some 300,000 jobs and an income tax credit of $1,000 for businesses that retain these employees. Tax cuts to spur new investment by small businesses to help them expand and hire more workers.
Plain Language Act, H.R. 964 requires federal agencies in the executive branch to use plain writing in any document issued to the public. The bill defines "plain writing" as writing that the intended audience can readily understand and use because that writing is clear, concise, well-organized and follows other best practices of plain writing.
Electronic Message Preservation Act, H.R. 1387 requires federal agencies, within four years of enactment, to capture, manage, and electronically preserve electronic messages, such as e-mails, and to allow for electronic searches of such messages, in accordance with regulations issued by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Agencies could no longer use a "print and file" system.
On March 16, the House passed a Resolution recognizing the Red Cross (H Res 311). Congressman Scott submitted a statement for the record commemorating the Georgia Red Cross for their work during the 2009 floods:
Helpful Information
Flood Safety Awareness Week
Many communities in the district suffered from flooding in 2009. This week is National Flood Safety Awareness Week. Information about prevention and protection against flooding can be found at:
US House Page Program
Congressman Scott will be able to host a House Page for the summer session. Application deadline is March 26. More information can be found at:
Congressional Black Caucus Internships are open for application:
Again, thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter. Please contact me about issues of importance to you.
David Scott
Member of Congress
What issues are most important to you?
My offices in Washington and Georgia are open as a resource to the residents of the 13th District. Please click here to contact us.