Dear Friend:
Please take a few moments to read my latest newsletter. If you have any feedback, please share your comment with me.
Congressman Scott in the News and in the District
Henry Daily Herald- Thousands Attend Annual Jobs fair. April 24,
Thousands of local job-seekers packed the Georgia International Convention Center Friday for the seventh annual jobs fair. One hundred area employers interviewed potential employees and shared employment information with many left jobless by the recent recession.
Congressman Scott successfuly passed an amendment in the
Financial Services Committee to allow consumers to purchase flood insurance in installments, rather than a lump sum. This change is in response to constituents who were concerned about having to pay a lump sum for flood insurance premiums before being eligible for rebuilding assistance. The amendment was included in a bill to reauthorize the Flood Insurance Program. That bill will now head to the House floor for a vote.
Congressman Scott was appointed to the conference committee to resolve differences between the House and Senate versions of Iran Sanctions legislation. The conference committee held their first meeting on Thursday.
Congressman Scott's website is recognized by national good government groups.
Recent Votes
Congressman Scott Votes to Save $125 Billion in Wasteful Spending This week, the House passed two bipartisan bills to eliminate approximately $125 billion annually in waste, fraud and abuse in federal spending. The Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act (H.R. 3393) would reduce the estimated $98 billion in improper payments that occur when a federal agency pays too much or pays twice for a product or service. The House also passed H.R. 5013, the IMPROVE Acquisition Act, which cleans up defense acquisition spending. The bill saves taxpayers an estimated $27 billion a year and expedites process to get the necessary equipment to our troops.
House votes to not increase Members of Congress' pay for third year in a row (H.R. 5146). Congressman Scott voted for the bill.
Helpful Information
Parents can start adding children under the age of 27 to their insurance. This is one of the early changes made by the health insurance reform law.
The homebuyer tax credit from the Economic Recovery Act expires tonight. However, members of the military and other services deployed overseas have an additional year to use the credit.
Thank you for reading my newsletter. Have a good weekend.
David Scott
Member of Congress