Press Releases
Congressman Scott Invites Students to Military Academy Day 2005: September 17, 2005Senator Isakson and Georgia Congressional Delegation Host First Statewide Military Academy Event
August 22, 2005
David Johnson
((770) 210-5073)
Congressman Scott Invites Students to Senator Isakson's Military Academy Day 2005: September 17, 2005
As Georgia’s Thirteenth Congressional District Representative, it is with great pleasure that each year I have the duty to nominate qualified candidates to the United States military academies.
To provide an opportunity for students interested in attending a military academy to become familiar with the application and nomination process and to expose them to academy life, this year I along with other members of the Georgia Congressional Delegation will participate in the first statewide academy event hosted by Senator Isakson.
The academy event is scheduled for Saturday, September 17, 2005 from 9:30 – 11:00 A.M. at Naval Air Station Atlanta.
Representatives from all five academies as well as cadets and midshipman will be in attendance and will be available to answer questions from students and parents.
The event is open to students in grades 8 – 12.
Photo ID for all attendees required for Atlanta Road admittance checkpoint.
Reservations required due to security restrictions.
Participants MUST register online by September 9, 2005. with Senator Isakson’s office: 2005 Military Academy Day Registration Has PASSED.
More information about the 2005 Military Academy Day and applications for 2006 nomination to the military academies may be found here: 2006 Military Academy Nomination Information and Application or by contacting David Johnson, Military Academy Coordinator at (770) 210-5073.
All completed service academy applications must be returned to the Jonesboro District Office by Friday, October 7, 2005