Contact and Office Information

Our staff in our Washington and District office are committed to helping our constituents and serving as an informational resource to the residents of the 13th District.

Please note: Due to increased mail security measures put in place after the Anthrax threat in 2001, e-mails, phone calls, faxes, and in-person visits are the most effective ways to communicate with my office.

Please contact the staff at our Washington office for concerns and questions pertaining to legislation and call our District offices for help with government agencies.

Email Congressman David Scott

Scheduling Requests

468 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
ph: (202) 225-2939
fax: (202) 225-4628

5 Gresham Landing, Ste A
Stockbridge, GA, 30281
ph: (770) 210-5073

Washington, D.C. Staff:

Zoë Prince
Chief of Staff

Nick Cargas
Deputy Chief of Staff

Christofer Horta
Legislative Director

Nolan Dunnahoo
Legislative Assistant

Julian Fraser
Legislative Correspondent/Policy Aide

Liliana Flores Smith
Staff Assistant/Tour and Internship Coordinator

District Staff

Dylan Nurse
District Director

Isaac DoDoo
Deputy District Director

Caskey Dyer

Cherrie Smalls
Director of Constituent Services

Duro Haynes
Grants Coordinator/ Constituent Services & Community Field Representative

Sheila Davis
Constituent Services & Community Field Representative