Speeches and Floor Statements

Scott Floor Remarks Supporting Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Coin Act

Today Congressman David Scott (GA-13) spoke on the House Floor in support of H.R. 2423, the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Coin Act. Below are the transcript of his remarks and a link to the video:

Click here to watch the full remarks.

 “2020 marks the centennial anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. This historic centennial offers an unparalleled opportunity to commemorate a milestone of democracy and to honor the legacy of pioneers and patriots who blazed their trail to lead women to the voting booth.

“This bipartisan, bicameral legislation authorizes the Department of the Treasury to mint $1 silver coins in 2020 to commemorate the work of women suffrage activists in the late 19th and early 20th Century and increase public awareness and appreciation for the history of the Women’s Suffrage Movement.

“Proceeds from the sales of these coins will go towards supporting the Smithsonian Institution’s American Women’s History Initiative for the purpose of collecting, studying and establishing programs recognizing diverse perspectives on women’s history and women’s contributions that have influenced the direction of our great nation. I thank Ms. Stefanik for introducing this bill, and I urge all members to vote yes."