
Voter Fraud and Voter Intimidation

Has anyone attempted to block you from voting or from legally registering to vote?  Please share your experiences below.  Voter intimidation and elections tampering should not be tolerated. It is up to a vigilant electorate to watch out for illegal activity. 

This year, Georgia residents will be required to show ID before they vote in person.  Six forms of ID are acceptable: Georgia Driver's License, even if expired; Valid US government employee photo ID; Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state; Valid U.S. passport ID; Valid U.S. military photo ID; or Valid tribal photo ID.  For more information about acceptable ID cards, click this link.

Voters who use absentee ballots are not required to show ID. Have you experienced problems securing a valid ID?  Please share your experiences below. Were you able to vote in-person without problem?

If you witness voter fraud please call the Secretary of State’s Elections Division Voter Fraud Hotline at 877-725-9797.  You can also submit a complaint online at: