
Small Employers Health Insurance Tax Cuts

The IRS has released final guidance for small employers eligible to claim the new health care tax credit for the 2010 tax year. These tax cuts, for both private and non-profit employers, were created by the Affordable Care Act. In general, the credit is available to small employers that pay at least half of the premiums for single health insurance coverage for their employees.The maximum credit goes to smaller employers –– those with 10 or fewer full-time equivalent employees –– paying annual average wages of $25,000 or less. The credit is completely phased out for employers that have 25 or mo... Read More »

Scott Speaks to Guide Right Youth Group in Marietta

Today Congressman David Scott (D-GA) spoke to members of the Alpharetta-Smyrna Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity's Guide Right and Kappa League youth mentoring groups. Scott joined the group during their regular meeting at the Fair Oaks Recreation Center in Marietta. Congressman Scott encouraged the youth in attendance to prepare themselves for future opportunities by being respectful, hard-working, and focused young men. Scott also discussed his a number of his legislative priorities including his recent work in Congress to extend tax cuts to benefit the middle and lower income bra... Read More »

Future of High Speed Rail in America

This week in Beijing, high speed rail stakeholders from across the globe will converge for the 7th World Congress on High Speed Rail. This conference, organized by the International Union of Railways and the Ministry of Railways of the People’s Republic of China, seeks to focus on initiatives for greener transport. Currently, China has the world’s longest high-speed rail network with over 4,300 miles of rail in service, and over 11,000 miles of infrastructure are now under construction. By contrast the U.S. high speed rail system currently consists of only one rail line described by the U.S. D... Read More »

Opening the Global Marketplace for American Small Businesses

The Commerce Department recently unveiled a new online tool to help small- and medium-sized businesses tap into the global marketplace and start exporting. In partnership with the Small Business Administration, the Commerce Department introduced Six Steps to Begin Exporting at On this website, businesses can take a self-assessment to begin the six-step process to gauge their readiness to export. The self-assessment is followed by sections on training and conseling programs; resources to create an export business plan; information on conducting market research; assi... Read More »

Congressman Scott speaks out against North Korean actions

On November 30, 2010, Congressman Scott made the following statement on the floor in support of a resolution (H.Res. 1735) condemning North Korea for its unprovoked military attack against South Korea. The Chairman of the House Foreign Affiars Committee, Howard Berman, managed the floor time on this debate. Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to yield 1 minute to my friend and colleague from the committee, the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Scott). Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Thank you very much, Chairman Berman. This unwarranted attack by North Korea on South Korea demonstrates more than anything el... Read More »

Hardest Hit Fund to Provide Mortgage Aid in GA

Georgia is set to receive funds under the U.S. Treasury's Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) to help homeowners make their mortgage payments. The purpose of the program is to help Georgia homeowners who have experienced job loss or a substantial decrease in their income with a mortgage payment bridge while they find new or better employment. The Georgia Department of Community Affairs will administer Georgia's HHF program, which launches statewide April 1st. For more information, including eligibility requirements, visit this site. Read More »

Honoring Palmetto Police Sgt. Lee Gragg

Today Rep. David Scott (GA-13) honored Sgt. Lee Gragg's brave actions while conducting a recent traffic stop. Scott's remarks appear below: "Madam Speaker, it is with great pride and honor that I rise to share with you the inspiring story of one of my constituents. Sergeant Lee Gragg is a police officer in the Palmetto Police Department, and last September, he was injured in the line of duty. On Sunday, September 12th 2009 at 10 o'clock at night, Sgt. Gragg and his team were conducting a routine road safety check. An uncooperative driver was discovered to have a suspended license and an arrest... Read More »

Scott Applauds $47 Million Award for Atlanta Streetcar Project

Today Congressman David Scott greeted U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood as he presented a check to Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed for $47.6 million in funding under the TIGER II Discretionary federal grant program for the Atlanta Streetcar Project. Scott joined Congressmen John Lewis and Hank Johnson for the check presentation. "Atlanta represents the hub of the South. The Atlanta Streetcar Project will produce the outcomes and measurable results needed to sustain Atlanta’s place as a national and regional asset," said Scott. "Once completed, the project will have a significant impact on l... Read More »

Congressman Scott Attends Grand-opening of Riverdale Town Center

Congressman David Scott joined Riverdale's elected leaders and other officials in the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Town Center's grand opening. There was a positive atmosphere from the thousands of people who came out to enjoy Saturday's nice weather and check out the city's progress. In his remarks, Scott proclaimed, "Oh how sweet it is! I will continue to support Riverdale's efforts to bring economic development and quality of life for local residents." Attendees toured the new state-of-the-art facility and were treated to musical performances by gospel, Mariachi band, and Caribbean steel... Read More »

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As someone who has seen a spouse fight breast cancer, Congressman Scott has been a fighter for breast cancer resources for a long-time. While a member of the Georgia State Senate, Congressman Scott passed the State law banning the practice of sending women home the same day after undergoing a mastectomy even if they needed more time to recuperate. In Washington, Congressman Scott has continued his efforts to improve the health of women. He voted in favor of H.R. 3590, the Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act, which includes free preventative se... Read More »