
Myths About Efforts to Improve Health Insurance

Several myths about efforts to improve health insurance for Americans. Five of those myths are addressed here. Answers to common questions can be found here: MYTH #1: Health insurance reform is a “government takeover.” FACT: Health insurance improvement legislation expands private health insurance in America, and is based on increasing choice and competition – providing for new marketplaces (called “Insurance Exchanges”) where the uninsured, small business employees, and the self-employed will be able to choose among a variety of private insurance... Read More »

Empowering the Consumer to Shop for Insurance

The health insurance reform bill offers tax credits on premiums and provides families and small businesses with the largest tax cut for health care in history. Health insurance reform will create a new Health Insurance Exchange for individuals and employees of small businesses to allow them to comparison shop for coverage. This Exchange will empower consumer's health insurance purchasing and will help reduce the growth in health care spending by encouraging competition on price and quality. Small plans and national plans have an equal opportunity to offer coverage and will compete locally. Pla... Read More »

The Cost of Doing Nothing is Expensive

Under the current broken health insurance system, businesses and middle class families are paying more and more each year. Growth in annual health insurance costs are outstripping average wage increases. As a result of these crushing health care costs, American businesses are losing their ability to compete in the global marketplace. Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums have more than doubled in the last 9 years, a rate 3 times faster than cumulative wage increases. Among small businesses, more than one in three workers must spend at least $1000 out of pocket before their health benefi... Read More »

CBO Score of Healthcare Reform

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a budget score of health insurance reform legislation. Based on a preliminary analysis from CBO, the legislation: CUTS THE DEFICIT Cuts the deficit by $138 billion in the first ten years (2010 – 2019). Cuts the deficit by $1.2 trillion in the second ten years. REINS IN WASTEFUL MEDICARE COSTS AND EXTENDS THE SOLVENCY OF MEDICARE; CLOSES THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG DONUT HOLE Reduces annual growth in Medicare expenditures by 1.4 percentage points per year—while improving benefits and lowering costs for seniors. Extends Medicare’s solvency by at least 9 ... Read More »

Flood Safety Awareness Week

This week is Flood Safety Awareness Week (March 15-19), which was created to raise awareness of the dangers associated with flooding and steps to protect against damage. Last year, several areas in the 13th Congressional District were severely flooded including Austell, Mableton and Douglasville. Many residents in the flooded areas were surprised about the intensity of the flooding. It is important that everyone learn how to prepare for flooding. For example, even a few inches of moving water can be very dangerous for driving. For information on how to prepare for flooding and other emergencie... Read More »

Page Application for Summer 2010

Congressman Scott has a slot open for a young person to serve as a House Page for summer term 2010. Completed applications must be received by fax or email to Congressman Scott's office by March 26, 2010. Eligibility for the Page Program during the academic year is limited to high school juniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher in the core academic subjects. Applicants for the summer program may include rising juniors or rising seniors. All applicants must be at least sixteen years old by the date they begin their Page term For more information, visit the Page Program website: Read More »

White House meeting

On Thursday afternoon, Congressman Scott and members of the Congressional Black Caucus met with President Obama in the White House. The conversation was heavily focused on job creation and rebuilding economic conditions in America. While several econonomic indicators are showing improvement, there are still too many of our citizens who are unemployed or fighting to maintain their mortgatge payments. Congressman Scott will continue to push for additional economic assistance to Georgia in the weeks ahead. Read More »

Georgia Congressional Delegation Can Work Together

11 Alive ran a good segment about how members of Congress can look past party differences and work together. Sometimes the media pays too much attention on the differences on issues rather than the common interests. Read More »

HIRE Act just passed the House

Today, the House passed H.R. 2847, the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act. The provisions of this bipartisan bill will create and save hundreds of thousands of jobs this year. The HIRE Act includes: · A payroll tax holiday for businesses that hire unemployed workers, to create some 300,000 jobs and an income tax credit of $1,000 for businesses that retain these employees · Tax cuts to spur new investment by small businesses to help them expand and hire more workers Passing this measure now is critical to getting more Georgians back to work. More action will soon be taken on add... Read More »

Free e-file for taxes

If you made less than $57,000 in ADJUSTED Gross Income for 2009, then you will be able to e-file your tax forms for free. Others who file may be able to use other on-line services. For more information, check out the IRS website:,,id=118986,00.html Read More »