
Unemployment Benefits - No Action in Senate

July 26: The Georgia Department of Labor is currently working to identify those individuals who meet the eligibility requirements, as outlined in legislation. Individuals who meet the eligibility requirements will be notified by mail. Payments will be processed by July 30, 2010. Click here for more information.

Update July 21...the Senate will finally pass unemployment insurance over a Republican filibuster.  The House will follow and pass it today as well and send it to the President to become law.  Benefits will be retroactive.  Check back for more information or contact my office.

Update July 14...still no action in the Senate.  Be sure to call your senators to ask that they vote for unemployment insurance.  How can the Senate take a week off for a break and then return and not take action on this important program? 

July 1, Last night, the Republicans in the Senate had a filibuster to block unemployment benefits for the third time.  Congressman Scott will continue to fight to pass this bill.  The AJC has more on the millions of Americans who will be harmed:

June 14, Several constituents have called the office with concerns that Congress has not approved an extension of long-term unemployment benefits.  Congressman Scott hears you and has voted again and again to extend unemployment benefits.  The gridlock in the Senate has delayed the passage of several laws that need extending, including unemployment benefits. When these laws expire, even temporarily, people are hurt.  

Congressman Scott does not believe, as some Members of Congress has stated, that people are just using this benefit to sit at home and not look for a job.  The constituents who call the office say they would rather have a job and have been looking for a long time.  This is frustrating for them. Congress should work to help create an environment for job creation as well as helping those who continue to find work.

For information about long-term unemploymnet assistance, please visit the Georgia Department of Labor.