
Congressman Scott Discusses Breast Cancer Research

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This October, we acknowledge, celebrate and honor the thousands of women throughout the country who have been diagnosed, currently fighting or have survived breast cancer. As the husband of a courageous wife who survived this disease, I, as many others, have been affected personally. I understand the struggle, pain and sometimes heartache it can inflict on the person diagnosed, in…

Congressman Scott Denounces President Bush's Peachcare Veto

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Today the President vetoed a bipartisan bill to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), also known as Peachcare. “The President’s veto is just wrong. Thousands of Georgia’s children deserve healthcare. They don’t deserve partisan games to be played over this vital issue,” Congressman Scott said. “I will work with my Democratic and Republican colleagues to…

Congressman Scott’s Statement on the National Disability Employment Awareness Month

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Today Congressman David Scott (GA-13) issued the following statement in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month: In 1945, Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October of each year as “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week,” in order to educate the American public about issues related to disability and employment. From there, the week expanded into a…

Congressman Scott Praises the Approval of Peachcare

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Today, the U.S. House of Representatives considered a bipartisan, bicameral agreement to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), also known as Peachcare, for an additional five years. CHIP provides health coverage to American children whose parents do not qualify for Medicaid, but cannot afford private insurance. The $35 billion agreement struck by House and Senate…

Congressman David Scott's 13th Congressional District Health Fair Continues To Grow

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Congressman David Scott welcomed more than 1,000 constituents and 200 healthcare professionals and volunteers to the Third Annual 13th Congressional District Health Fair held Saturday, August 18, 2007. “While I’ve been working in Congress to provide affordable and accessible healthcare to all Georgians, I wanted to do some extra,” said Congressman Scott. “That’s why I’m hosting my annual…