Quotes and Comments

Resources for flood assistance

“I rise with a heavy heart during this hard time in Georgia for 9 people have died from recent flooding - 6 of who are from my district, Douglass County. My heart and prayers go out to the families that have sustained loss. We in Congress are moving swiftly to get a declaration of emergency passed do that we can get the necessary funds needed to start putting the pieces back together. There is an estimated $300 million in damage that is still growing with many people affected not having flood insurance for their homes. I have spoken to the commissioners of Douglass and Cobb Counties as well as the mayor of Douglassville. I ensure to the people of Georgia that we will get federal emergency funds down to them.”   ~Congressman David Scott


Resources for flood assistance can be found at:  http://www.gema.ga.gov/

 Also for more flood assistance information please see associated file.