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Information on State Sales Tax Holiday on Efficient Appliances

Georgians will have the opportunity to purchase qualified energy efficient products with NO state or local sales tax from Thursday, October 1 through Sunday, October 4, 2009. A broad range of products up to $1,500 marked with the ENERGY STAR logo and purchased for personal use are included in this unique incentive. Specifically, the sales tax exemption applies to ENERGY STAR qualified dishwashers, clothes washers, room air conditioners, ceiling fans, compact fluorescent light bulbs, dehumidifiers, programmable thermostats, refrigerators, doors and windows.

Certain water efficient products that carry the WaterSense logo will also be sales tax free. WaterSense-labeled products eligible for the sales tax exemption include bathroom sink faucets or aerators and high-efficiency toilets.

More information can be found at the website of the Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority by clicking here