
Cobb Resident Chosen as US House Page

David Wheaton will serve during the summer session

Congressman David Scott congratulates David Wheaton for being chosen to represent the 13th District of Georgia as a summer 2010 Congressional Page. As a Congressional Page, Mr. Wheaton will serve the United States Congress in Washington, DC.  Some of his Page duties will include preparing the House floor for sessions, distributing the Congressional Record and other correspondence, and assisting in the cloakrooms and chambers.

I am so proud to have David Wheaton represent the intelligent and motivated young people that we have in the 13th District. He clearly has a very bright future ahead of him and I know that this opportunity will only continue to nurture and develop his leadership skills,” said Congressman Scott.

Mr. Wheaton, a rising junior at Pebble Brook High School in Cobb County, has excelled in both academics and extracurricular activities.  He maintains a 3.71 grade point average while being an active member of the Pebble Brook High School Marching Band, Varsity Tennis Team, and the Governors Honors program.

This is the third Cobb County student to be selected by Congressman Scott to serve as a Congressional Page. In 2009, Rachel Aguirre of Campbell High School served as a Page.  In 2007, Charissa Phillips, also of Campbell High School, served as a Page.

Since 1839, the United States Congress has employed young people as pages who serve as messengers and perform administrative tasks. Pages are high-school juniors from around the country with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.  Students interested in applying to be a Congressional Page should contact their district Representative or Senator to obtain an application.