Press Releases
Congressman Scott Votes to Keep Teachers on the Job
August 10, 2010
Congressman Scott returned to Washington this week to vote for the Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act (H.R. 1586). This new law provides funding for local education jobs and helps states with Medicaid costs. The law includes provisions to ensure that states use these funds for preservation of jobs serving elementary and secondary education. Amounts from the Education Jobs Fund may not be used for purposes such as equipment, utilities, renovation, or transportation. The law provides $10 billion for additional support to local school districts to prevent imminent layoffs. It is estimated that this fund will help keep nearly 140,000 educators employed in the new school year. The fund will be administered by the Department of Education. After reviewing state applications, the Department will make formula allocations to states based on total population and school age population. States will then distribute the funds to school districts through their respective funding formulas or based on each district’s share of Title I funds. In the case that a Governor does not submit an approvable application for funds to the Department, the law directs the Secretary to make awards directly to local school districts. |