CBC Jobs Initiative And Jobs Fair
July 29, 2011
Labor & Employment
Nationwide Jobs Fairs, Seminars, Town Hall Meetings on the Economy
This August, thousands of Americans will gather for jobs fairs, town hall meetings, job readiness workshops and seminars around the country as a part of the Congressional Black Caucus’s "For the People" Jobs Initiative. The wide-ranging effort was created to address the national African American unemployment rate of approximately 16.2 percent. Fighting for Jobs Legislation CBC Members have also introduced over 40 job creation bills since the beginning of the 112th Congress, including a resolution (H. Res. 348) to encourage the House of Representatives to immediately pass jobs legislation. For more information about the upcoming events, or to register for a jobs fair, visit the CBC website at: Share your unemployment stories What are you experiencing in your job search? Share your comments at or comment at the end of this blog. Georgia "For the People" Jobs Initiative Atlanta, Georgia -- August 18 Atlanta Technical College Job Fair: 8am – 5:30pm Town Hall: 6:00pm -8pm |