
Transportation Bill Passes

The House passed H.R. 4348, Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2012. This bill, also known as MAP-21, will create or save more than 2 million jobs, authorize highway and transit programs for more than two years at current levels, make key reforms consolidating transportation programs and cut red tape, and leverage federal resources to expand public-private partnerships in transportation.  MAP-21 consolidates federal surface transportation programs by two-thirds by taking approximately 60 programs and consolidating them into four “core” formula programs: National Highway Performance Program, Surface Transportation Program, Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program (CMAQ).

While the bill only extends transportation programs for two years at current levels, it does provide some certainty for contractors and states to continue planning for future projects.  Congress will have to revisit current funding formulas to better address transportation needs in the long term.

What are the major transportation needs in your community?  Old infrastructure?  Congestion?  Lack of transit choices?

Are you familiar with the projects listed for funding in the upcoming penny-tax transportation vote?