Press Releases

Rep. David Scott Urges an End to the Shutdown

Congressman David Scott joined 200 Democrats to send a letter to House Speaker Boehner demanding a vote on a clean budget to end the shutdown and fund the government. A vote on the legislation would open the entire federal government immediately.

“After shutting down the government for a week, House Republicans refuse to allow an up or down vote on a clean budget,” said Congressman Scott. “Americans want to move forward and rebuild the economy. These reckless actions threaten to derail the economic recovery.”

Since the shutdown, House Democrats have tried seven times to bring up a vote on a clean continuing resolution, which would fund government at levels agreed to by both chambers of Congress and end the shutdown immediately. However, House Republicans blocked a vote on each of the Democrats’ measures.

This is no way to govern and no way to run the largest economy in the world,” Congressman Scott said. “It’s time for House Republicans to allow for a bipartisan vote to end the shutdown and get our government working again for the American people.”

Every day the shutdown continues, it damages our economy. It halts loans to small businesses; stops government backed home mortgages; disrupts work at federal contractors; and furloughs 800,000 federal employees.
