Speeches and Floor Statements

Congressman David Scott Floor Statement Raising Awareness for Sickle Cell Anemia Disease

Today Congressman David Scott (GA-13) took to the House Floor to deliver the following remarks to raise awareness for sickle cell anemia disease:

“Thank you very much, Madam Speaker. Ladies and gentlemen, I rise today to honor the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta for their extraordinary work in fighting sickle cell anemia disease and providing comprehensive medical care for thousands of children in Georgia.

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is the home of this nation's largest pediatric sickle cell disease program with more than 1,800 children and teens and over 8,000 people in Georgia have sickle cell disease, as one of the nation's most impacted populations. On this Thursday, February 7, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta will be hosting a briefing at 1:00 p.m. right here in Capitol Room HVC 201 to discuss innovation in sickle cell disease treatment.

Ladies and gentlemen, more than 100,000 Americans suffer from sickle cell disease. It is a painful genetic blood disorder that prevents children from getting air. It is debilitating. Madam Speaker, I just ask that we stand proudly and support the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Thank you.”

Click here to watch video of Congressman Scott’s remarks.