Press Releases

David Scott Statement Regarding House Republicans’ Budget Cuts to Crucial Health Care, Nutrition, and Education Programs

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Congressman David Scott (GA-13) issued the following statement regarding House Republicans’ budget resolution that would increase the poverty rate for tens of millions of working people while giving a $2 trillion tax giveaway to corporations and the wealthiest Americans.

“Make no mistake, House Republicans’ budget reconciliation proposal would provide tax breaks for the rich at the expense of crucial nutrition and health programs meant to help working-class American families,” said Congressman David Scott. “Slashing food assistance in SNAP by $230 billion will reduce access to meals for the nearly 514,000 Georgia households that rely on the program to put food on the table. It will also bring uncertainty to millions of U.S. households, including those with young children, who will lose access to ACA, Medicaid, and CHIP services. I will oppose any effort to reduce benefits or gut funding to these vital programs.”

To pay for their massive tax giveaways, House Republicans plan to take away lifesaving health care, increase the cost of essentials like food and housing, and decimate services working families count on. In Georgia’s 13th district, this budget would hurt:

·         111,000 people who receive health coverage under the Affordable Care Act and would see their average premium go up by $480 per year—a 59% increase. Many families would face even steeper consequences. A 60-year-old couple with a household income of $85,000 would see health insurance costs increase by $15,868 per year — a 220% increase.


·         126,935 people on Medicaid who will be at risk of losing their health care, including more than 85,000 kids under the age of 19 and 8,676 seniors over 65.


·         families struggling to put food on the table, as it threatens 35,969 children, seniors, veterans, and working parents who count on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).