Press Releases

Congressman David Scott Addresses the South Fulton Farm Bureau

Jonesboro, August 21, 2007 | Ashley Tanks (770 210-5073)

Last week Congressman David Scott (GA-13) attended the South Fulton Farm Bureau’s Covered Dish Dinner to discuss issues facing the South Fulton area. Congressman Scott focused on the new Farm Bill stating that “this Farm Bill is the best Farm Bill we have ever had.”

During his address, Congressman Scott explained how the new bill will help promote health, fight hunger, increase funding for improvement programs and assist socially disadvantaged and beginning farmers with credit programs. Congressman Scott also discussed how “this bill represents a 46% increase in spending on nutrition programs, greatly increases food stamp program benefits and protects the food stamp program from privatization.”

Other major issues discussed by Congressman Scott included strengthening the safety net to ensure a stable food supply, immigration and the debate over mandatory country of origin labeling for meat products.

The South Fulton Farm Bureau President, Neil Milam said that “Congressman Scott’s address was both interesting and informative for the farm members and we were very pleased that Congressman Scott was able to join us”.
