Press Releases

Congressman Scott Participates in NATO Meetings


Today, Congressman David Scott announced that he will join the NATO Parliamentary Assembly October 5-9, 2007 in Reykjavik, Iceland. Congressman Scott and other members of the U.S. delegation will meet with their legislative counterparts from NATO’s 26 member nations.

The meetings will focus on NATO’s policy statements on many global issues including: climate change, missile defense, and the Alliance’s relations with Russia. During the meetings, parliamentarians will also be briefed by prominent world experts and policy-makers on Iran and nuclear proliferation; security in South East Europe; Islam in the Caucasus; the relationship between intelligence, terrorism and the preservation of civil liberties; the prospects for a new Strategic Concept for NATO; and India’s economic development. Additional information on the NATO Assembly can be found at:

I am honored to join our delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly,” said Congressman Scott. “I plan on speaking with our allies on global warming, the war on terror and the Iran Sanctions Act, which tightens economic sanctions in order to halt Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear weapons. We must resolve to use every available peaceful means, economic, political and diplomatic, to stop Iran’s military buildup.”

The Iran Counter-Proliferation Act (H.R. 1400) will remove the Executive Branch’s authority under current law to waive sanctions on companies investing in Iran’s energy sector, which supports the country’s nuclear weapons program. It also blocks U.S. civil nuclear cooperation with countries that assist Iran’s nuclear program.

Congressman Scott is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Vice-Chair of the Subcommittee on Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade. Since his first term, Congressman Scott has been a Co-Chair of the Democratic Study Group on National Security.
