
Easy Ways You Can Conserve Water at Home

Jonesboro, November 27, 2007 | Ashley Tanks (770.210.5073)

In the Kitchen

Refrigerate a bottle or glass of water instead of letting a faucet flow until the water runs cold.

Defrost Sensibly. Plan ahead and defrost foods overnight in the refrigerator. Do not use running water. Use the microwave or put wrapped food in a bowl of cold water.

Reduce Dishwashing. Use rubber spatula to scrape dishes clean to limit pre-rinse. Limit dishwasher use to full loads.

In the Bathroom/Laundry Room

Do not use the toilet as a trash can.
Every flush you eliminate can save between two and seven gallons of water.

Use a glass for rinse water when brushing teeth or shaving instead of letting the faucet run.

Shorten your shower time by one minute. Cut back on your shower time and you will save in water and energy. To really conserve water, limit shower time to five minutes or less.

Wash only full loads of laundry.

Outside-Lawns & Plants

Collect water to keep your valuable plants alive. Place containers under your air conditioner and outside to collect excess water and rain that can be reused to water plants.

Adjust lawn mover blade to increase lawn survival. Cutting the grass higher will encourage deeper rooting, raise lawn survival rates and decrease water demand.