Press Releases

Representative Scott Salutes Increase in Minimum Wage to $6.55 An Hour

Tomorrow, the federal minimum wage will rise from $5.85 to $6.55 an hour. This is the second step in the three-step minimum wage increase enacted by Congress in May 2007, to incrementally raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour over a two-year period. Last year the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $5.85, this year it increases to $6.55, and next year it will increase to $7.25.

“As consumer costs – from gas prices to food to health care costs – continue to rise, it is important that we continue to fight to help millions of Americans working full-time, year round, trying to make ends meet and still living in poverty,” said Rep. Scott.

“At $5.85 an hour, a full-time minimum wage worker still brings home only $12,168, well below the 2008 federal poverty level of $17,600 for a family of three,” points out Rep. Scott. “Without dispute, the numbers show that raising the minimum wage is a vital step to strengthening and growing our economy over the long-term and this month’s increase serves as another step to make a real difference in the lives of America’s working families.”

The federal minimum wage increase to $7.25 an hour will mean an additional $4,400 per year for a minimum wage worker’s family – helping them to keep up with rising costs as they raise the more than 6 million children of low-wage workers. 
