Vote Record

On this section of the website, you can find a list of the most recent votes from the House of Representatives. If you have questions about a vote, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Vote Explanations

What is the difference between Yay/Nay votes and Aye/No votes?
The distinction relates to whether Members are meeting as the full House of Representatives or as the Committee of the Whole.  To learn more, click here.

Date Roll Call # Bill Question Vote Bill Name
320 On the Amendment No
319 On the Amendment No
318 On the Amendment No
317 On the Amendment No
316 On the Amendment No
315 On the Amendment No
314 On the Amendment No
313 On the Amendment Aye
312 On the Amendment No
311 On the Amendment No
310 On the Amendment No
309 On the Amendment No
308 On the Amendment No
307 On the Amendment No
306 On the Amendment No
305 On the Amendment No
304 On the Amendment No
303 On the Amendment No
302 On the Amendment No
301 On the Amendment No