News List

Easy Ways You Can Conserve Water at Home

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In the Kitchen Refrigerate a bottle or glass of water instead of letting a faucet flow until the water runs cold. Defrost Sensibly. Plan ahead and defrost foods overnight in the refrigerator. Do not use running water. Use the microwave or put wrapped food in a bowl of cold water. Reduce Dishwashing. Use rubber spatula to scrape dishes clean to limit pre-rinse. Limit dishwasher use to full…

Preserving the American Dream by Protecting Homeownership

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The mortgage foreclosure crisis is in full swing and not looking to let up anytime soon and as the larger mortgage lenders continue to report their highest foreclosure and delinquency rates in five years, these rising default rates have not only affected those in the subprime market but higher mortgage rates are putting a squeeze on borrowers with good credit. As these foreclosure rates…

Major Predatory Lending Bill Passes First Hurdle

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Today, Congressman David Scott praised the passage of H.R. 3915, the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007, from the House Financial Services Committee. The bill will reform mortgage practices in three major areas. First, the bill will prohibit steering of consumers into bad loans and call for licensing and registration of mortgage originators, including brokers and bank…

House Passes Spending Bill Including $325,000 for Clayton State University

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Today Congressman David Scott (D-GA) announced the inclusion of $325,000 for Clayton State University’s development of an archival graduate program in a bill that provides Fiscal Year 2008 funding for the Federal Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. The House of Representatives is expected to pass the spending bill today which also includes funding for Veterans…

Congressman David Scott Announces Funds for Fulton County

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Today Congressman David Scott announced that federal funds totaling $459,700 have been awarded to important projects in Fulton County. These awards include $334,700 for Grady Health system to upgrade electronic medical records and $125,000 to assist the county’s Department of Mental Health with creating a jail diversion program. These projects were included in the bill funding the U.S.…

Honoring Our Veterans

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To the veterans who have served so bravely in defense of our freedoms, today we say thank you for your service. November 11, 1918 marked the day major hostilities during World War I ended, and was subsequently adopted as Veterans Day in the United States. This day now gives us an opportunity to reflect on the many sacrifices made by the Armed Forces throughout our history. As members of…

Tips for Avoiding Foreclosure

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Are you having trouble keeping up with your mortgage payments? Have you received a notice from your lender asking you to contact them? • Don't ignore the letters from your lender • Contact your lender immediately • Contact a HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agency • Toll FREE (800) 569-4287 • TTY (800) 877-8339 If you are unable to make your mortgage payment:…

Congressman David Scott Decries SCHIP Failure

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Today, the U.S. House of Representatives fell short of the vote needed to override the President’s veto of the bipartisan bill to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), also known as Peachcare, 273 to 156. “The American people have overwhelmingly supported this bill to reauthorize CHIP and it breaks my heart to know that there are thousands of children who deserve…

Georgia Delegation Introduces Legislation to Alleviate Water Crisis

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Members of Georgia’s congressional delegation have introduced legislation in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House to alleviate the current water crisis by allowing states suffering from droughts to be exempt temporarily from the Endangered Species Act, which in Georgia is threatening our low water supply by taking away large amounts of water from north Georgia and sending it downstream to…

Congressman Scott Discusses Breast Cancer Research

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This October, we acknowledge, celebrate and honor the thousands of women throughout the country who have been diagnosed, currently fighting or have survived breast cancer. As the husband of a courageous wife who survived this disease, I, as many others, have been affected personally. I understand the struggle, pain and sometimes heartache it can inflict on the person diagnosed, in…