Press Releases

Ranking Member David Scott Previews Farm Bill Priorities

Below is a statement from Ranking Member David Scott on his priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill.

“During my time as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, we conducted numerous hearings to review the 2018 Farm Bill and improvements that we can make in the 2023 Farm Bill.”

“Additionally, we hosted five farm bill listening sessions across the nation to hear directly from our producers, consumers, and stakeholders about what is – and is not – working for them in our current policies,” Ranking Member David Scott said.

“The feedback we received both here in Washington, DC, and across the country has developed my key priorities as now Ranking Member, and I look forward to working with my colleagues on defining our shared priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill,” Ranking Member David Scott continued.

Ranking Member David Scott’s Priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill

  1. Expand rural broadband: We must ensure that appropriate funding is given to USDA to help us bridge the digital divide between rural and urban America. USDA knows what works for our rural communities better than many other Federal agencies and will provide a more immediate solution to our rural communities who do not have adequate and affordable broadband access.
  2. Make the 1890 Land Grant African American College and Universities Student Scholarship Program permanent and add an additional $100 million in funding: This is critical to developing our future generations of scientists, producers, and leaders in our agriculture industry.
  3. Assist our small family cattle farmers and ranchers: Extending and strengthening the safety net for our livestock producers and increasing marketing and business financial incomes of our small farmers and ranchers by adding value to their operations.
  4. Defend and protect SNAP and our nutrition programs: We need to maintain the nutrition safety net and examine any gaps in coverage while ensuring that job opportunities, education, and training are available.
  5. Help producers combat dramatic changes in weather patterns and climate: Our farm bill conservation title programs are oversubscribed, and we need to increase the available technical assistance to work with our agriculture producers.
