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Congressman and Mrs. David Scott give CBC Scholarship to Local Students

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Tags: Education

Congressman David Scott along with his wife Alfredia Scott presented Richard Williams, Ayanna Wade,  Kendra Sims, Julia Phanthavong, and Alyssa Smith with scholarships from the Congressional Black Caucus Spouses Education Program. The recipients were chosen using a scale that judged them based on community involvement, academic achievement, leadership, and financial need. Mr. Williams…

U.S. Rep. Scott and House Democrats Help American Workers by Increasing Minimum Wage

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Washington, DC – Today, the national minimum wage will increase from $6.55 per hour to $7.25 per hour to help millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet during this economic crisis. This 70-cent increase is the final of three increases to take effect under legislation passed by House Democrats. In 2007, the newly-elected Democratic Congress passed the Fair Minimum Wage Act…

Rep. Scott Works to Alleviate the Population of Homeless Veterans in Metro Atlanta

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Tags: Veterans

“We all owe a great debt to the veterans of this country.  They serve in the face of danger with honor and courage to protect our freedoms and often times return home to a life of poverty and homelessness,” stated Rep. Scott.  “As a Member of Congress, I have pledged to support our troops and veterans and I believe this legislation is yet another step toward ensuring that they are…