Press Releases

Congressman Scott Appointed to Conference Committee on Iranian Sanctions Legislation

Congressman David Scott was appointed to the conference committee to reconcile the House and Senate versions of Iran sanctions legislation, the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (H.R. 2194).

“I am honored to be appointed to this important conference committee,” Congressman Scott said.  “Iran’s nuclear ambitions threaten stability in a volatile region, which would have world-wide implications.  The United States must not allow an authoritarian government to use nuclear threats to overpower their neighbors and spread their radicalism.  Being a member of this conference committee will give me a greater role in shaping the final version of this sanctions regime, and a greater hand in stopping Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and securing our nation and the world.”

The full list of conference committee members can be found on the Foreign Affairs’ website:

Congressman Scott is a member of the House Committees on Foreign Affairs and Financial Services, which both have jurisdiction over H.R. 2194.  He is also a member of the US delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.