
Congressman Scott speaks out against North Korean actions

On November 30, 2010, Congressman Scott made the following statement on the floor in support of a resolution (H.Res. 1735) condemning North Korea for its unprovoked military attack against South Korea.  The Chairman of the House Foreign Affiars Committee, Howard Berman, managed the floor time on this debate. 

Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to yield 1 minute to my friend and colleague from the committee, the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Scott).

   Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Thank you very much, Chairman Berman.

   This unwarranted attack by North Korea on South Korea demonstrates more than anything else the dangerous state that our world is in. It is extraordinarily important that we here in Congress condemn in the strongest possible way this act, unprovoked on the part of North Korea, and to let the people of South Korea and the people of the world know just where the United States stands. We stand strongly and firmly with our ally South Korea and condemn this unwarranted, gross, unjustified attack on South Korea. I commend Chairman Berman for bringing this important resolution to the floor.
