Criminal Justice Reform & Law Enforcement

Congressman David Scott Presses Governor Kemp to Take Immediate Action on “Ghost Guns”

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WASHINGTON- Today, Congressman David Scott (GA-13), Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, sent a letter urging Governor Brian Kemp to take executive action to curb the production and possession of un-serialized and untraceable weapons commonly known as “ghost guns.” “Our communities are facing a scourge of violence because of homemade weapons that can be purchased and…

Congressman David Scott Demands Answers Regarding Georgia Prison Healthcare Conditions

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WASHINGTON- Today, Congressman David Scott (GA-13), Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, sent a letter to the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Commissioner Tyrone Oliver regarding the state of prison healthcare in the Georgia correctional system—specifically surrounding the relationship between GDC and Wellpath, the nation’s largest private prison health services…

Congressman David Scott Statement on Bipartisan Gun Safety Reform Legislation

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Congressman David Scott (GA-13), chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, released the following statement on the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: “I was pleased to vote in favor of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, legislation signed into law by President Biden this past week. The bill institutes common-sense measures for the purchase and possession of firearms and will…

Congressman David Scott Votes to Pass Legislation to Address Epidemic of Gun Violence

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Congressman David Scott (GA-13), chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, this week voted to pass two pieces of legislation, H.R. 7910, the Protecting Our Kids Act, and H.R. 2377, the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, aimed towards addressing the epidemic of gun violence. “This week, with the passage of two critically important pieces of legislation, the U.S. House of…

Congressman David Scott Votes to Strengthen Protections for Child Victims of Human trafficking, Sexual abuse

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This week the House of Representatives voted on several bills focused on cracking down on child sex trafficking and child abuse. “In Georgia, the number of human trafficking cases has more than doubled since 2012, from 94 cases in 2012 to 256 cases in 2016,” said Congressman David Scott.  “Of those cases, 75% were for sex trafficking, and 30% of those trafficked were…

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

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As the month of April comes to an end, let us never forget the importance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Every 98 seconds, another American falls victim to a sexual assault, yet many perpetrators walk free. It is imperative that we protect survivors while also finding ways to prevent these despicable attacks from happening in the future. We celebrate SAAM to show that we,…

October is Domestic Violence Month

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Recognizing that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Congressman David Scott urges his constituents to take this month to educate themselves and others on the facts about these serious crimes.   “It is important to recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month to mark the gravity and severity of the role that domestic violence plays in our society,” stated Rep. David…

Congressman David Scott Applauds Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant Award for Clayton County Juvenile Court

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Today Congressman David Scott is pleased to congratulate the Clayton County Juvenile Court in securing $499,723 in grant funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Forward Promise initiative.  Forward Promise is a newly created program by the Foundation that promotes innovative, community-based projects working to strengthen health, education, and employment outcomes for…

Congressman Scott Votes to Pass the Violence Against Women Act

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Today, Congressman David Scott voted for passage of S. 47, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. The bill passed the House by a large, bi-partisan margin of 286-138, and will renew and expand the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which had expired in September 2011. “Today, the House voted to protect all victims of domestic violence across America,” Congressman Scott…

Honoring Palmetto Police Sgt. Lee Gragg

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Today Rep. David Scott (GA-13) honored Sgt. Lee Gragg's brave actions while conducting a recent traffic stop. Scott's remarks appear below: "Madam Speaker, it is with great pride and honor that I rise to share with you the inspiring story of one of my constituents. Sergeant Lee Gragg is a police officer in the Palmetto Police Department, and last September, he was injured in the line of…